Revolves around Frank (Johnny Depp), an American tourist visiting Italy to mend a broken heart. Elise (Angelina Jolie) is an extraordinary woman who deliberately crosses his path.I entered this film expecting it to be a pile of horse apples. I actually sort of liked it... sexy, intriguing, a bit of action and comedy. By no means is this a movie of the year or anything, but it is a fun film and the kind that might make a good date movie.I ma not the sort to kiss Depp's butt. He is a great actor, but he is not flawless. Yet, here, I think he was really expressing a range I do not often see from him anymore. A ladies man who is shy and nervous, the Depp of "Edward Scissorhands"... back before he was the international superstar. I liked what I saw here.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
Nothing more, nothing less. It's an anachronism, the type of escapist movie that Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn made in the late fifties and early sixties. It's supposed to have a silly twist at the end, all neatly tied with a bow.I just couldn't work up the anger and outrage that many reviewers have churned up about it. OK, so who would have guessed that Johnny Depp would be weirder playing someone normal rather than his usual weirdo roles? And who would really believe that Angelina Jolie would fall for an unassuming American math teacher? No one. That's why it's fun, folks. Just roll with it, taking in all the wonderful Venice scenery while you're at it. Seriously, this is an elegant film from beginning to end and it doesn't matter that it's more than a little preposterous.It's an escape, a European fantasy. Just laugh and enjoy it.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
The story moves too slowly, but it is interesting and Depp and Jolie are well suited to their roles. There is kind of a smoldering intensity to their characterizations that others have mistaken for lack of chemistry. I found them to be delightful together. The story has some twists, but none too surprising. An enjoyable if somewhat relaxed action movie.